Thursday, March 2, 2017

my fictional moment in time !

L.G to write a fictional moment in time.

  • use interesting and engaging ideas.
  • use an interesting beginning to hook in the reader.
  • use a variety of different language features.
  • use paragraphs                        


“This is the biggest race of my life” I tell my pit crew, “It could go well or it could turn to dust”.
VRMMMMMM! GO!  I’m racing for 1nz and before I know it I’m on my seccond lap. Graeme Barr is behind me and I think to myself me  “ This could be trouble”.  He tries to pass but I block him , and I soon appear on my last lap. Graeme makes his move and tries to spin me. “UNLUCKY!” I shout to myself , yes he pretty much just spun himself out. Um he could be a tad angry but he’s still in third as Phil Ogle has past the finish line and Graeme is  on the last straight with his foot right down limi-bashing.
What a race!

Finish, Flag, Checkered ...

1 comment:

  1. good to see you using interesting and engaging ideas
    good to see a interesting beginning
    nexts step: use paragraphs
