Tuesday, May 9, 2017

 Lg: to be able to persuade others to our point of view through writing
Plan your writing carefully so that it has an introduction , body, conclusion
Make sure that each paragraph begins with a main point that is backed up by evidence or detail
Make sure that the argument is based around facts and contain vocabulary that is appropriate to the audience
Point of view is clear throughout my writing

       Would you keep a dinosaur ?

Who would keep a dinosaur for a pet ?
It’s ridiculous ! some animals are just meant to be extinct . I am sure that it would be the most boring pet on earth. It’s not like you can take it for walks because it’s as big as a elephant , and imagine the looks you would get, horrible, just horrible , if only people didn’t have such childish mines and thought deeper about this situation .

Yes, I do more have more paragraphs worth of complaining. You should start thinking about the cost of food and where you would buy it. Amazon? Trade me? Who knows if this food I’m talking about actually exists?
Considering there aren’t many dinosaurs around these days and they don’t make new ones either . So come on would it actually be that cool?

I am sure a dinosaur is the most vicious pet you could ever think of.
One minute you're alive , nek minute you’re not. Imagine all the moola you would get for the pest. So think twice about keeping dinosaurs, there not the new trend and never will be!


  1. good to see your introduction, body and conclusion
    good to see a main point backed up by evidence
    next step to try more punctuation

  2. kade i like how you have persuaded me in your writing and also i like how you have a good introduction body and conculsion and i also like the way you backed up your main point and try put more puncuation

  3. You hooked me in well
    You used great descriptive words
    Next time maybe use more punctuation

  4. good paragraphing nice introduction, body and conclusion
    its really persuading and you backed up your main points
    next step more puctuation
