Wednesday, August 9, 2017

descriptive writing ✌

L.G: Use a variety of precise words and phrases to add info, enhance meaning and/ or add mood to a character.
Use technical language and phrases.
Use a variety of descriptive language techniques.
Use direct speech.
Use verbs and adverbs to discribe how someone is doing something or saying something

Maori chief

This maori chief is staring at me . His eyes are like an ocean. His cloak is as fury as a cat. He has a dull green moko which spreads across his face and is frightening to any enemies . The taiaha he’s holding has amazing carvings in it.


  1. I like how you have done your SOS and LG in your story next time try put a picture on so then i can see what he actually looks like put good job overall 10/10

  2. Great describing words
    I like how you used LG and SOS
    I think you need to have/use a picture :)

  3. you have good describing words
    you put your LG and SOS
    next time add a picture

  4. great describing
    good use of lg and sos
    add picture
