Wednesday, September 13, 2017

lg: Be able to write a narrative text.
1. Use technical language 
2. Use a variety of descriptive language
3. Use direct speech 
4. past tense 
5. in logical order.
Double backflip, 360 tail whip ! 
" guys guys " 
shouted  a guy in a rabbit-toes bucket hat.  "my name is Jimi"
"wait you mean"...
"yep , im Jimi Quench. I'm here because the nazi's are executing any  tourist  in japan . And we need you now ". "sure cuz " pops up Levi. 

When they arrived at the airport there was a private jet with a stair case. There was free wifi, biscuits and televisions . Ryan was making the most of the free wifi and uploading his latest video . While Levi was making his KTM into a death-machine.

They arrived with a welcoming blast of shrapnel. With levi on his KTM and ryan holding a Ak-47 , the nazi's were slowly dieing down when R.Willy got shot and needed cpr . levi managed to keep hi alive all the way to the hospital. They didn't think the poor fella would pull through. But slowly he recovered . The cops handled the rest of the nazi's , while the two heroes returned home only to get knighted by the queen for there braveness, for saving over 100 tourist and all the hard work they had pulled off.


  1. I like how you used a large variety of punctuation
    I like how you used descriptive words
    Next time use paragraphs

  2. good language
    cool topic
    next time use paragraphs

  3. good to see lg and sos
    cool story
    next time use paragraphs

  4. good language
    creative topic
    use paragraphs
