Wednesday, September 13, 2017

lg: Be able to write a narrative text.
1. Use technical language 
2. Use a variety of descriptive language
3. Use direct speech 
4. past tense 
5. in logical order.
Double backflip, 360 tail whip ! 
" guys guys " 
shouted  a guy in a rabbit-toes bucket hat.  "my name is Jimi"
"wait you mean"...
"yep , im Jimi Quench. I'm here because the nazi's are executing any  tourist  in japan . And we need you now ". "sure cuz " pops up Levi. 

When they arrived at the airport there was a private jet with a stair case. There was free wifi, biscuits and televisions . Ryan was making the most of the free wifi and uploading his latest video . While Levi was making his KTM into a death-machine.

They arrived with a welcoming blast of shrapnel. With levi on his KTM and ryan holding a Ak-47 , the nazi's were slowly dieing down when R.Willy got shot and needed cpr . levi managed to keep hi alive all the way to the hospital. They didn't think the poor fella would pull through. But slowly he recovered . The cops handled the rest of the nazi's , while the two heroes returned home only to get knighted by the queen for there braveness, for saving over 100 tourist and all the hard work they had pulled off.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

  Descriptive writing

The 6.5 foot tall “luke hobbs” is as strong as terminator . with his police badge on his belt and his muscles blowing up like balloons he frowns .

He has a combat pistol , his eyes are darker than dirt . he is wearing shades of black including cargo pants and an under armour t-shirt . He has dealt with the most dangerous criminals in the world.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

descriptive writing ✌

L.G: Use a variety of precise words and phrases to add info, enhance meaning and/ or add mood to a character.
Use technical language and phrases.
Use a variety of descriptive language techniques.
Use direct speech.
Use verbs and adverbs to discribe how someone is doing something or saying something

Maori chief

This maori chief is staring at me . His eyes are like an ocean. His cloak is as fury as a cat. He has a dull green moko which spreads across his face and is frightening to any enemies . The taiaha he’s holding has amazing carvings in it.

Monday, May 15, 2017

my book review :)

The sleeper awakes

David hill

This “explosive” story describes an eruption at Mt Taranaki. Corey is a boy who loves the mountain, and spends a lot of time climbing there with his dad. One day, they hear the first rumblings of the sleeper, and after that, life in colourless Taranaki is never the same again.

File:4 stars.svg - Wikimedia CommonsFor kids from 8 to 14.

I strongly recommend this book!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

 Lg: to be able to persuade others to our point of view through writing
Plan your writing carefully so that it has an introduction , body, conclusion
Make sure that each paragraph begins with a main point that is backed up by evidence or detail
Make sure that the argument is based around facts and contain vocabulary that is appropriate to the audience
Point of view is clear throughout my writing

       Would you keep a dinosaur ?

Who would keep a dinosaur for a pet ?
It’s ridiculous ! some animals are just meant to be extinct . I am sure that it would be the most boring pet on earth. It’s not like you can take it for walks because it’s as big as a elephant , and imagine the looks you would get, horrible, just horrible , if only people didn’t have such childish mines and thought deeper about this situation .

Yes, I do more have more paragraphs worth of complaining. You should start thinking about the cost of food and where you would buy it. Amazon? Trade me? Who knows if this food I’m talking about actually exists?
Considering there aren’t many dinosaurs around these days and they don’t make new ones either . So come on would it actually be that cool?

I am sure a dinosaur is the most vicious pet you could ever think of.
One minute you're alive , nek minute you’re not. Imagine all the moola you would get for the pest. So think twice about keeping dinosaurs, there not the new trend and never will be!

Monday, May 8, 2017

July 16th 1915,

Never seen weather like this before, the sun has sapped the strength out of  us since we took foot on anzac cove. These bloody flies are getting on my nerves ,and on my food . We’ve been forced back towards the sea by the turks. They’ve said I’ve came down with pneumonia.When I returned from the medics months later we were still hemmed in . It’s a stalemate. I’m at my post guarding when i drop to the ground and sleep. Shows how much sleep we got right . I’ve just been woken up with cornel next to me. I’m writing this now as they have let me write my final words before I’m shot as I have endangered my troops.

We will win this war don’t worry.
Persuasive writing  

In my point of view you should let me on this ark. All I need is a little area , not a palace or anything like that. Just please let me on your ark. You think two little pigs is enough but what happens if one dies , or both die. And you’ll like my candy dispensing skills for sure!. You’ll probably want a spare or two for the barbie as well so I can replace your delicious treat. Once again please let me on this ark of yours.

By kade☺